● Secondary school students who like to visit our trails and like to take pictures.
● Each secondary school is allowed only four participants (four pictures) to join this competition. Each school needs to choose the best four pictures to hand in.
● Each participant can join only one time and submit only one picture.
● All pictures need to be taken on one of the national forest trails (Union Trail, Barre de L’isle Trail, Millet Trail and Des Cartiers Trail).
Check trails status.
● Pictures need to be taken during 1st April~ 3rd June 2011.
● No alterations of photos allowed using any kind of software.
● To be eligible for entry in the competition, students need to ensure that their name and data be recorded by our trail tour guide (entrance to the trail is free) when visiting the trails.
● 1st April ~ 3rd June 2011 is the time for competition.
Deadline for entry: 3rd June 2011 12:00am.
● July 2011: award ceremony
Theme of photos: (Participants can choose any one of them)
● Forest for people
● Forest for wildlife
● The beauty of the trails
● The forest after Hurricane Tomas
● Love our nature and protect our forest
Need some ideas?
Join our Facebook group!
●First, Second, Third place prizes : Gift and certificate
Laptop with one month LIME internet, cell phones, Cameras, iPod, Vouchers and so on.
● 10 Outstanding: Rain Forest Sky Ride Ticket (1) and certificate
n 2 Best Forest For People Photo
n 2 Best Forest For Wildlife Photo
n 2 Best The Beauty Of The Trails Photo
n 2 Best The Forest After Hurricane Tomas Photo
n 2 Best Love Our Nature And Protect Our Forest Photo
● 8 Forests lover prize: A Snorkel set and certificate
Work Format:
Application form download.
● Participants need to send the image and application form by email to
● Hard copy application form with personal signature will be needed when the participant wins the prize. We will inform the winners. The hard copy application form needs to be sent to The Forestry Department Environmental Education Unit within 5 working days after being informed. The address is:
To: Forestry Department EE Unit
Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry and Fisheries
Gabriel Charles Forestry Complex
Union, Castries
St. Lucia
● Participants need to fill out the application form completely and understand the rules and conditions for entry.
● Photo once submitted becomes the property of Forestry Department Environmental Education Unit.
● Forestry Department Environmental Education Unit does not accept responsibility for loss, damage or delay of entry. Proof of posting will not be accepted as proof of delivery.
● A photograph that has won a prize in any other competition is not eligible for entry in this competition.
● Each picture submitted to the competition must be original and taken by the participant and none other.
● Participants failing to adhere to the afore mentioned rule will immediately disqualified from the competition.
● Copyright of images remain with the photographer but Forestry Department Environmental Education Unit reserves the right to use any award-winning entries without payment of fees, in public materials, exhibitions, publications or in any other way it deems necessary.
● The judges reserve the right not to award any prizes, if they consider that none of the entries reach the required standard. The judges’ decision will be final. The judges reserve the right to exclude entries, at its discretion, which it considers are inappropriate or which might bring the competition into disrepute.
● If you have any questions, please contact The Forestry Department Environmental Education Unit.
Phone number: 468-5645/5648
Email: 2011forestpicture@gmail.com
All the information will be on: http://forestryeeunit.blogspot.com/
● Contact number of trails tour guide
Union Trail : Christele 468-5649/5648/5645
Barre de L’isle Trail : Hermine 716-6060 or 453-3242
Millet Trail : Charmain 519-0787 or 451-1691
Des Cartiers : Marvin 715-0350 or 454-5589

Ministry of Education
Our Sponsors:
Starlite Electronic Store / Auto Parts & Accessories
Paramount Duty Free Distribution
Computer World (St. Lucia)